Mock Interview Seminar helps prepare students for future careers

Mock Interview Seminar helps prepare students for future careers

“Preparing students with the proper skills is the key to opening doors to their careers,” stated Dr. Valerie K. Thompson, assistant vice president for Professional Development/Readiness, Division of Student Success and Enrollment Management. “The Office of Career Services provided a forum to jumpstart the process by holding a Mock Interview Seminar for Alcorn students on February 6, 2014.”

Mike Bledsoe, Recruiting and Policy Division, Formosa Plastics of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and Dr. Ron Jackson, director of Human Resources for the State of Louisiana, Division of Administration, Office of the Governor, shared what companies look for when hiring recent college students. Having substantial knowledge in human resources, staff development and hiring responsibilities, these individuals simulated an informative mock interview depicting real life situations as recent graduates enter the workforce to begin their professional journeys.

Student participants in the mock interviews were: Jessie Hayden, a junior agriculture economics major, Charles Winston, a junior, computer science major, Jonathan Weir, a junior majoring in agriculture business, Adrian McLain, a sophomore, political science major, and Pakita Mobley, a senior majoring in biology/physical therapy.

After the interview, Bledsoe, a member of the Baton Rouge Alumni Chapter, presented a check to the Alcorn Foundation designated for the men’s and women’s basketball teams.

1 a Mock Interviews 

Pictured L to R: Student participants Hayden, Winston adn Weir with Thompson, Jackson, Janice Gibson, director of Development and Alumni Affairs, Bledsoe and Interim Athletic Director Dwayne White.