The Spring 2020 Career Week is all about learning, growing, and connecting! Sign up information is below. Many activities have limited space so be sure to sign up as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please give us a call, email us or stop by the Office of Career Services & Pre-Professional Programs. We look forward to enjoying a great week together!

Employers and Partners, please contact us for additional options for engagement and sponsorship. Employers that partner at certain levels receive waived Career Fair registration!

Faculty/Staff and Alumni Volunteer Form


1st Annual Dr. Martin Luther King

9:00 AM

1st Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Professionalism and Leadership Symposium

Come be a part of the 1st Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr

Professionalism and Leadership Symposium! The symposium will provide a

solid foundation for the next steps toward your career. This conference will

sell out so be sure to sign up now to secure your seat.

Employers can sponsor sessions and share information about their programs OR

present sessions on professionalism and leadership to Alcorn students and recent alumni.

Contact us for more information. 601-877-6324 or [email protected]

Sign up now!

learn more


Mock Interviews

9:00 AM

Mock Interviews

Gain valuable “real world” practice with professionals in the field.

You will receive feedback and advice to help you improve your

interviewing techniques. Sign up for a 30 minute slot. Spaces are limited.

Sign up here

Career Advisory Board

2:00 PM

Career Advisory Board

Employer and Community Partners along with student ambassadors will brainstorm
and take action on career matters. This board ensures Alcorn State University supports
by equipping students for lifelong success in their career and professional endeavors.

Networking and Mocktails

5:00 PM

Networking and Mocktails

You’ve learned “how” to network so now it’s time to put your learning into action!

Professionalism and Leadership Symposium participants will receive a special invite to
this networking event FREE OF CHARGE! Interact with Employers, Graduate and

Professional Schools, Community Leaders, and Alcorn State University Administrators,

Faculty, Staff and Alumni. Don’t miss this great event!

Students-Invite Only (based on Symposium Attendance
Alcorn Community and Stakeholders Register here
(limited space available)



Career and Internship FairGraduate and Professional School Fair

IOBSE logo image
IOBSE Informational Sessions

10:00 AM- 2:00 PM

Career and Internship Fair

(Check back here for businesses and organizations attending)

Student Sign up

Employer Sign Up

Graduate and Professional School Fair

(Check back here for schools attending)

Student Sign up

Graduate and Professional School Sign Up

10:00 AM OR 5:00 PM

IOBSE Informational Sessions

If you are passionate about justice and ensuring policies, safety and protection are maintained, come to an informational session with the International Organization Black Security Executives.

Scholarship and career opportunities available

Register Now for 10:30 AM session
Register Now for 5:00 PM session