Human Resources Management reports to the Senior Vice President for Finance, Administrative Services, and Operations. Our professional staff has the responsibility of processing all employment opportunities; advising faculty and staff regarding employee policies and procedures, benefits, and state and federal law and regulations concerning employment; new employee on-boarding; employee training; and employee benefit dissemination.


It is the mission of Human Resources Management to advance the global mission of Alcorn State University, through the acquisition, retention, and support of an exceptional faculty and staff.


The vision of Human Resources Management is to support the recognition of Alcorn State University as a preferred employer and provider of innovative and results-oriented human resources services, policies, and systems.


Our vision is supported by the following core beliefs which drive our actions and planning processes:

  • Our Employees Drive Success
    Each employee is significant. The success of one contributes to the success of all.
  • The University’s Mission Statement and Governing Values Are Evident in Our Actions
    We are committed to the University’s values and demonstrate integrity in all we do.
  • Our Shared Vision is Continually Examined
    Our actions are grounded in a shared vision of the future of Alcorn State University.
  • The University is a systemic, interdependent organization
    Each employee must accept personal responsibility, recognize and understand interdependencies, and operate in an atmosphere of collaboration and trust.
  • Everyone’s quality of life impacts both the Individual and the University
    Employee personal and organizational goals are advanced when work experiences are balanced among productivity, intellectual challenge, personal/professional growth, and employee well-being.
  • Prudent Decisions Reflect Legal and Budgetary Restraints
    Prudent decision-making results in legal compliance with federal, state, and local laws and regulations, and supports the financial stability of the University.

Dr. Wanda C. Fleming, MBA, SHRM-SCP
Assistant Vice President for Human Resources (AVPHR)
1000 ASU Drive, 390
Lorman, MS 39096
Phone: 601-877-6188
Fax: 601-877-6389