The Office of Global Programs has established affiliation agreements with several Study Abroad Providers to help make your Study Abroad a rich and rewarding experience. Those Study Abroad providers with website links are shown below:
- AIFS – American Institute for Foreign Study
- KEI – Knowledge Exchange Institute
- ISEP – International Student Exchange Program
- World Endeavors
Alcorn State University has established a partnership with Generation Study Abroad, a program through the Institute of International Education (IIE) whose initiative is to double the number of American students studying abroad by the end of the decade. International experience is one of the most important components of a 21st century education, however, less than 10% of U.S. students study abroad. Globalization is changing the way the world works, and employers are increasingly looking for workers who have international skills and experience.
Study Abroad Providers charge a fee (in addition to the costs from the foreign university, such as tuition, registration fees, etc.), when students use them to facilitate their study abroad term. Program organizers offer support services for students while they are abroad. These are just some of the things that Study Abroad Providers offer:
- Cultural outings
- Security briefings
- Orientation programs
- On-site staff to help get credits transmitted
- Help resolve visa problems
- Translation
- Local transportation
- Additional scholarships for students
- Facilitation (and in some cases funding) of faculty development and faculty-led programs abroad.
Alcorn State University has cooperative agreements with several international universities for faculty, student and research exchange. The universities with cooperative agreements are shown below with links to their websites:
- Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers in Tashkent, Uzbekistan
- Tashkent State Agrarian University in Tashkent, Uzbekistan
- Navoi State Pedagogical Institute Info in Navoi, Uzbekistan
- Loyola University of Congo (Democratic Republic of Congo)
- Universidad Veritas in San Jose, Costa Rica (one-way exchange: US students to Costa Rica)