Alcorn State University Vicksburg Expansion Center now offers the 2020 SHRM Learning System Certification Prep course.
Human Resource (HR) professionals are working to establish themselves as globally-recognized HR experts by becoming a SHRM Certified Professional (SHRM-CP). Together, we can ensure that they are prepared to achieve SHRM certification, which defines the standards for knowledge, strategies, and competencies required for effective HR professionals around the world.
The 2020 SHRM Learning System delivers the most comprehensive, flexible, and effective SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP exam preparation.
Designed using a proven approach for teaching adult learners, this system offers a personalized SmartPath experience that is designed to dynamically adjust based on the user’s progress and proficiency. Real-time results allow students to use their time wisely and increase readiness for the SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP exams. There’s no better way to successfully prepare for SHRM certification.
The Complete Solution for SHRM Certification Exam Success
The program delivers an effective experience to help streamline studies while accelerating learning. Real-life situations are infused into the study process for better understanding, application and engagement with HR competencies.
- A Personalized Learning Experience
A custom learning experience that identifies HR topics students have already mastered and those they haven’t, to help guide them suggested next steps throughout their studies.
- Focused, Topic-level learning
HR Knowledge and competencies are broken down into consumable topic areas and related resources to help students better understand and master the concepts in the SHRM BoCK that are tested on the SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP - Resources to Boost Exam Confidence
Students can take advantage of flashcards, real-world HR knowledge examples, competencies in action, practice test questions and more to make sure they are ready for the SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP exam. - Real-Time Knowledge Gap Analysis
Students have access to real-time results and detailed feedback from learning progress and quiz scores to identify study priorities and reach goals more efficiently.
- Preparation for the SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP examination
- Continuing professional development in the human resource field
- SHRM Certificate of Achievement
Job Types/Titles
- HR practitioners: Directors, Managers, VPs, Supervisors in HR field
- HR educators: HR is principle area of instruction
- HR researchers: Research primarily in HR field
- HR consultants: Consultants with primary activity in HR field
Certification Details
SHRM Certified Professional (SHRM-CP)
For HR Professionals who are engaged primarily in operational roles – implementing policies, serving as the HR point contact for staff and stakeholders, and/or performing day-to-day HR functions.
SHRM Senior Certified Professional (SHRM-SCP)
For HR Professionals at a senior level who operate primarily in strategic roles – developing policies and strategies, overseeing the execution of HR operations, analyzing performance metrics, and/or contributing to the alignment of HR strategies to organizational goals.
Alcorn State University Vicksburg Expansion Center will offer the 2020 SHRM Certification Prep Online beginning February 6, 2020. Please contact our office for more information at 601.629.3558.
2020 SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP Exam Schedule
Spring Window
May 1, 2020 – July 15, 2020
Application Acceptance Begins
January 6
Application Deadline
March 20
Late Application Deadline*
April 10
Winter Window
December 1, 2020 – February 15, 2021
Application Acceptance Begins
May 13
Application Deadline
October 16
Late Application Deadline*
November 6