
The Graduate Nursing Programs are devoted to educating nursing leaders and scholars committed to advancing the global healthcare needs of diverse and underserved populations through teaching, scholarship and service.

Program Description

The Graduate Nursing Program offers two options for baccalaureate prepared nurses. The Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) option is designed to prepare graduates to provide global primary health care to diverse and underserved clients across the life continuum. The FNP Program is designed to be completed in five (5) semesters (including one summer) of full-time continuous study for a total of 49 semester credit hours and 750 direct patient care hours. Upon completion of the program of study, graduates are eligible to write a national certification examination for Family Nurse Practitioners (FNP).

The Nurse Educator (NE) option is designed to prepare qualified nurses to function as well-prepared educators in academic or healthcare settings. Upon completion of the program of study, graduates are eligible to write a national certification examination for Nurse Educators (NE). The program of study is designed to be completed in four (4) semesters (including one summer) and 34 semester hours of full-time continuous study.

The Post-Master’s Certificate option is a special studies program for Master’s prepared nurses pursuing certification in a specialty area or seeking a program of study that may lead to a change in role (e.g., a CNS seeking an FNP specialty certificate).  Alcorn offers Post-Master’s Certificate options for specialized study as a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) and Nurse Educator (NE).  Upon completion of the program of study, applicants are eligible to write a national certification examination.

Nurses with advanced education have more opportunities to implement new nursing science, impact and transform the overall design of health care, and become leaders in health care systems. Graduates from Alcorn’s graduate nursing programs are prepared to sit for national certification examinations, function as expert clinicians, conduct quality research, and demonstrate effective leadership that emanates from a spirit of inquiry and a commitment to life-long learning. Programs consist of courses that are taught using online and hybrid methodologies.


Master of Science in Nursing End of Program Student Learning Outcomes

At the completion of the program, graduates will be able to:

1. Demonstrate evidence-based advanced practice nursing approaches to guide person-centered care for diverse populations.
2. Assume leadership roles to initiate and guide changes in policies and practices in the context of an ethical framework.
3. Evaluate theoretical and empirical knowledge from nursing and other disciplines for use in guiding clinical judgement and innovation in nursing practice.
4. Analyze the effect of healthcare systems and interprofessional collaboration on health outcomes in diverse populations.
5. Utilize information and communication technologies to improve the delivery of quality and safe healthcare outcomes.

Graduate Nursing Forms